In the Media

City A.M – The Notebook: Where are retail investors putting their money?

Victoria Scholar, head of investment at Interactive Investor, takes the Notebook pen to talk retail investors, Ozempic’s fat profits, and the UK’s inflation forecast

May 2024

Trustnet: UK investors buying India funds must account for a 3% annual depreciation

Investing in emerging markets has always meant taking on more risk, whether it be from geopolitics, different economies or currencies.

That’s also true for India, where perceived geopolitical risks include the outcome of the ongoing elections, its relationship with Russia and environmental, sustainability and governance (ESG) issues.

May 2024

Sunday Times: There are more than a billion reasons to invest in India

Ian Cowie

In this article, Ian Cowie looks at India’s rapid economic ascent under Modi, as well as the upcoming elections, and the recent modernisation efforts, in particular the Aadhaar digital identification system. He also highlights that
“The medium and smaller companies specialist, India Capital Growth (IGC), achieved 31 per cent over the past year, 78 per cent over five years and 312 per cent over a decade, while the more blue chip or big company-focused JP Morgan Indian (JII) delivered 19 per cent, 27 per cent and 151 per cent.”

April 2024

Sunday Times: You should think about investing in India this Diwali

Ian Cowie

Sunday Times Columnist Ian Cowie writes about the opportunities to be gained by investing in India. He also speaks about how he diversified into the India Capital Growth fund and the gains that resulted.

November 2023

Portfolio Advisor: MIGO’s Greenwood: EM scepticism creates compelling valuation anomaly

Nick Greenwood

India remains one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Growth is expected to come in at 5.9% this year and at an average rate of 6.1% over the next five years.
Nick Greenwood, manager of MIGO Opportunities Trust discusses opportunities to capitalise on the strong prospects of small and mid-cap companies via the India Capital Growth Fund.

October 2023

Portfolio Advisor: The AIC: Best-performing trusts on double-digit discounts in tech and private equity sectors

Hannah Williford

A shortlist of the best-performing investment companies trading on discounts of more than 10% mostly reside in the technology, private equity, and Vietnam sectors year to date, according to data from the Association of Investment Companies (AIC).

The trade body’s list of the top 20 investment companies that are trading on double-digit discounts includes India Capital Growth.

October 2023

The Sunday Times: Personal Account

Ian Cowie

Ian Cowie talks about how London listed investment trusts make it convenient and cost effective to shun losers and seek winners.

December 2022

Funds Europe: Emerging markets – India the safest haven of the BRICS?

Piyasi Mitra

Since the acronym was coined, much has changed in some of the countries that make up the ‘BRICS’. Piyasi Mitra considers why India may be the standout.

December 2022

Quoted Data: QD view – India, the new darling of emerging markets?

Cherry Reynard

Cherry Reynard for Quoted Data discusses how the Indian stock market has proved an unlikely safe haven over the past three years. After an astonishing recovery in 2020 and 2021, Indian investment trusts continued their resilience in 2022, only outpaced by commodity-focused markets.

November 2022

CityWire: ‘It’s a coming of age moment’: Inside the rise and rise of India’s unicorn firms

India’s tech unicorn market grew by around 30% in 2021, with around 60 firms now boasting a $1bn valuation.

2021 – ‘Small caps the best way to play India’s growth potential’

David Cornell speaks with on the exciting opportunity that exists in India’s small cap market.


Mail on Sunday – Farewell China… say namaste to resurgent India

Jeff Prestridge, Mail on Sunday, examines the ongoing investment opportunity in India in spite of the recent strength of the country’s stock market. He speaks with David Cornell on the factors at play, including government spending and a shift in global sentiment away from China.


Investment Week – ‘Rural resilience’ helped speed Indian equity rebound despite a domestic economy ‘on its knees’

Investment Week looks at how India’s performance year-to-date and considers the factors that have aided its recovery.

November 2020

ShareScope – India Capital Growth Fund

ShareScope takes a closer look at India Capital Growth Fund as it navigates a turnaround in performance

November 2020

AJ Bell Money & Markets – The expert view on investing in India

Speaking on AJ Bell’s Money & Markets podcast, David Cornell discusses the investment opportunities in India (from 26:30 minutes in)

November 2020

Expert Investor – Time your entry into India, say Ocean Dial

Speaking with Expert Investor, David Cornell looks at the ‘mismatch between backward-looking indicators and the likely near term trajectory of the economy’, and the opportunities that this could open up for investors.

November 2019

Investment Week – India under the microscope: A global investor ‘conundrum’

Investment Week continues the Diwali celebrations by taking a closer look at India and what it can offer investors.

October 2019

This is Money – Shine a light on India: Is it time to invest in the fast-growing nation as millions celebrate Diwali this weekend?

Against the festive backdrop of Diwali, This is Money puts the spotlight on India, speaking to David Cornell about the current opportunities there and where he is currently seeing value.

October 2019