The Writing Room

We aim to keep our investors up to date with regular written pieces that discuss our portfolios and our views on the opportunity-set whilst using the exercise to clarify our thoughts.

Writing Room

Professional Wealth Management: India shines through emerging market gloom

Elliot Smither

Elliot Smither speaks with David Cornell and examines the attractiveness of India as an independent investment, as well as an alternative to China.

December 2022

The Sunday Times: Personal Account Column

Ian Cowie

Ian Cowie talks about how London listed investment trusts make it convenient and cost effective to shun losers and seek winners.

December 2022

Funds Europe: Emerging markets – India the safest haven of the BRICS?

Piyasi Mitra

Since the acronym was coined, much has changed in some of the countries that make up the ‘BRICS’. Piyasi Mitra considers why India may be the standout.

December 2022