The Reading Room

Each month a member of the team reviews a book of their choosing, irrelevant of genre or publishing date.

Range: How generalists triumph in a specialized world

David Epstein

Published: 2019, Riverhead Books (Penguin Random House)

This book explores how to cultivate that broad range of knowledge, how to get diverse and inter-disciplinary experience in a world which is getting hyper-specialised.

Atomic habits

James Clear

Published: 2018, Penguin Random House

Atomic habits tries to explain how even tiny changes (as small as 1%) if done consistently can have a huge impact on eventual outcomes. Tiny habits performed everyday amplify your success. They help you grow into a person you wish to become.

The order of time

Carol Rovelli

Published: 2018 (English edition), Penguin Books

Over the last 150 years, our understanding about time and space has undergone a radical transformation. In ‘The Order of Time’, the Italian physicist Carlo Rovelli, explores the illusion of time, calling it the “greatest mystery”.