The Listening Room

Beyond 1-on-1 meetings, we host regular webinars to allow investors to question us on our portfolios and views on the broader universe.

The Listening Room

Early adopters are focusing on India once again

Structurally under-owned and cyclically abandoned, India is set to deliver a positive shock to investors over the next three years, offering superior returns to investors willing to look beyond an Emerging Market catch-all.

November 2020

The expert view on investing in India – AJ Bell Money & Markets

Speaking on AJ Bell’s Money & Markets podcast, David Cornell discusses the investment opportunities in India (from 26:30 minutes in)

November 2020

Capturing India’s economic expansion with India Capital Growth Fund – UK Investor Magazine

UK Investor Magazine’s podcast features David Cornell. They talk investing during the Covid pandemic, India’s digital scene and the country’s recovery prospects compared with its EM peers.

September 2020