Investment Universe – the House of Ocean Dial
The “focus list” or House of Ocean Dial (HOOD), is the investible universe from which companies can be allocated to by the Portfolio Advisors. A company which is not a part of this universe cannot form a part of the portfolio construction process. This is the first step in the journey from focus to conviction and we liken it to asking ourselves the question:
“Would you feel comfortable inviting this person (Company) into your House?”
Companies are selected for the HOOD once approved by the Investment Committee, following a detailed qualitative and quantitative process. This is the starting point for both the team’s idea generation and its risk management. Companies with sound management practices and business models which are likely to create long term shareholder value in a sustainable manner are accepted into the universe. Many companies are pre-screened and may never reach the Investment Committee, whilst others may take several submissions before being accepted, or not. This has resulted in a current universe of approximately 140 companies.
The House of Ocean Dial (HOOD) Series
The HOOD series is a collection of stock notes, podcasts, webinars, portfolio updates and investor trips to India. They are collated in the interests of offering our clients transparency and regular updates on our investment process and portfolio holdings with the added value of ‘feet on the street’. HOODstock, HOODnote, HOODcast, HOODinars, HOODfolio and HOODcamp all fall under the House of Ocean Dial series umbrella.

The Writing Room
We aim to keep our investors up to date with regular written pieces that discuss our portfolios and our views on the opportunity-set whilst using the exercise to clarify our thoughts.

The Listening Room
Beyond 1-on-1 meetings, we host regular webinars to allow investors to question us on our portfolios and views on the broader universe.

The Reading Room
Each month a member of the team reviews a book of their choosing, irrelevant of genre or publishing date.