Investor Relations

Share Price Information

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Key Information Document (KID)

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Capital Structure

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The Company’s share capital comprises of Ordinary Shares.

In Issue 85,595,644
Ticker IGC

75,000,000 Ordinary Shares of 1p each (the “Ordinary Shares”) were in issue following admission on 22 December 2005. 63 Ordinary Shares were allotted with effect from 21 May 2009 and 1,400 Ordinary Shares were allotted on 18 May 2010 in each case following the exercise of warrants. Warrants were issued on admission to shareholders on the basis of one Warrant for every five Ordinary Shares issued. The final exercise period for the Warrants ended on 25 May 2011, and all rights under unexercised warrants lapsed on 9 June 2011.

33,718,446 and 3,782,264 Ordinary Shares were allotted on 8 and 9 August 2016 respectively following the exercise of all Subscription Share Rights.

Subscription Share Rights to subscribe for one Ordinary Share at a fixed price of 61 pence per Subscription Share lapsed after 6 August 2016. Consequently on 8 August 2016 trading on AIM of Subscription Shares ceased and subsequently the Subscription Shares were redeemed and cancelled.

As at 31 January 2025 the Company has issued from Treasury 5,828,500 Shares, and purchased back 1,828,512 Ordinary Shares, having previously allocated to Treasury 15,159,876 Redemption Shares under its 2023 Redemption Facility of which 424,876 Shares were sold on 16 January 2024, purchased back 762,645 Ordinary Shares and allocated 15,608,872 Redemption Shares under its 2021 Redemption Facility of which 200,000 Shares were sold on 17 January 2022. Consequently the total number of Ordinary Shares with voting rights in the Company is 85,595,644 (excluding Ordinary Shares held in Treasury and Redemption Shares). Each Ordinary Share carries one vote and ordinary shareholders are entitled to dividends when declared. Full details of the rights of ordinary shareholders are set out in the Admission Document. Shareholders should be aware that as the company is incorporated in Guernsey these rights may be different to the rights of shareholders in a UK incorporated company.


Shareholder >2% holding  No. of Shares Held

(as at 30 December 2024)

  Percentage (%)
Hargreaves Lansdown (EO) 17,478,022 20.4
Interactive Investor (EO) 15,591,084 18.2
AJ Bell (EO) 5,687,156 6.6
West Yorkshire Pension Fund 4,677,028 5.5
JM Finn 3,921,852 4.6
Charles Stanley 2,860,303 3.3
HSDL (EO) 2,488,711 2.9
Barclays Smart Investors (EO) 2,238,165 2.6
Hedley 2,117,653 2.5

The directors and connected persons to the Investment Manager, Ocean Dial Asset Management Limited, held in aggregate 236,252 (0.2%) Ordinary Shares.


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Impact of Subscription Shares

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On 6 August 2014 the Company issued 37.5m Subscriptions Shares at nil cost on a 1:2 basis to ordinary shareholders who, at the time, held 75m Ordinary Shares. The Subscription Shares entitled the holder to acquire one Ordinary Share for each Subscription Share at a cost of 61p in August 2016.

Following the issue of Subscription Shares the headline NAV per share published by Bloomberg and other third party data providers was the Diluted NAV per share rather than the Basic NAV per share. Additionally the Investment Manager (IM) produced a Rebased NAV per share which the IM believes is the fairest representation of its performance across all periods excluding the dilutive effect of the issue of Subscription Shares. The reason for this, and the basis of calculating the Company’s NAVs is explained in this document.